Jonas Ruther is a drummer and composer, he lives in Zürich with his family.
In Ruther’s world, drumming is a form of communication, fundamentally, one based around the notion of deep listening. Hence, his playing is less about formatted time signatures and pre-set dramaturgy as it is about flow, the direct transmission of energy (kinetic and subtle) as well as creating synergetic through-lines with other players (audience included). He compares his style to that of a versatile saxophone player, because his playing is based around lines. For Ruther, drumming is not really about mere time-keeping nor the cold mechanics of groove. These things are a given! A part of the craft. What he’s after are the intangibles – like the notion that subtle energies exist, that they can be tapped into, harnessed and transmitted musically. Or, that, there is a point where music becomes seamless and supersedes its constituent compositional elements. That the gap between the players and the listener can, and should dissolve. Synergy. Flow. He describes the affect of his playing as the equivalent of a deep Pu’er tea, where the most important element of the experience is not really a factor of the senses. The Chinese call it hui-gan, or returning sweetness: the subtle, lingering, bodily sensation that you are left with after you've finished your drink.
Jonas Ruther’s drumming can be heared on over thirty records, he performs live in intimate venues and on international festival stages such as Montreux Jazz, Moers Festival, Jazzfestival Willisau. He has toured and performed live in North and South America, China, India, Russia, South Africa and all over Europe. He has won several prices and schoolarships such as, Friedl Wald, Berti Alter Stiftung, U.I.L Championship, ZKB-Jazzpreis, Àrvore -Stiftung.
Jonas Ruther is mainly playing as a bandleader with his own groups RLM, HELY, divr next to his projects with his old time friends such as Quiettree, The Jazz Trio etc. Since 2020 he is working as curator for the new music club “Rank” in Zürich.
Besides music he is a passionate Pu’erh aficonado and photographer.